... | ... | @@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ In the DEAL prototype there are a few examples of target applications prepared i |
* Main class: personform.PersonForm

4. **Save and Run** the configuration.
5. Other examples can be launched exactly in the same way, but it is important to add the target jar to be analyzed and to select the main class of the target application which you would like to launch. Please see the next section to know the main classes of the provided examples.
5. Other examples can be launched exactly in the same way, but it is important to always (i) add the target jar to be analyzed into AspectJ Inpath and (ii) select the main class of the target application, which you would like to launch. Please see the next section to know the main classes of the provided examples.
> The important part of running DEAL analysis on existing applications is, that you have to know **the main class of the application, which you want to analyse**. This you can get by **unzipping the jar of the target application** (rename it first to *.zip) and looking into the **manifest** file located in the unzipped directory. Don't forget to rename the zip file back to *.jar again.
> The important part of running DEAL analysis on existing applications is, that you have to know **the main class of the target application**. Main class can be determined by **unzipping the jar of the target application** (rename it first to *.zip) and looking into the **manifest** file located in the unzipped directory. Don't forget to rename the zip file back to *.jar again.
## Other Examples
Each of the examples packed in the **DEALexamples** project of DEAL can be started this way. The main task here is only to know the target application main class.
Each of the examples packed in the **DEALexamples** project of DEAL can be started this way. The main task here is only to know the target application's main class.
**Important:** after adding your own *.jar app into the **DEALexamples** project, you need to rebuild workspace.
... | ... | @@ -57,6 +57,10 @@ Some applications (such as SweetHome3D) have their own **class loaders** and DEA |
To see the detailed description of DEAL, see section [How does DEAL work](/how-does-deal-work).
## Analyzing Domain Usability
The primary purpose of creating DEAL was to analyze the Domain usability of existing user interfaces. To find out how to perform the analysis, please check section [ADUE](/ADUE).
## Highlighting
DEAL tool provides highlighting features to be able to find the appropriate component in the target application, the Component tree or in the Term graph. For more information about this feature see section [Highlighting](/highlighting).
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